Great Devotion
View Pictures Chairman Kim Jong Il was the great revolutionary and peerless patriot who, endowed with the love for the ...
Benevolent Father of Korean Children
View All 1. President Kim Il Sung with children2. Kim Il Sung receiving a bunch of flowers from members of ...
Joint Seminar of Political Parties, Organizations in European Region
A joint seminar on the struggle of the Workers’ Party of Korea for building a socialist powerful nation was held ...
Partidul Național Socialist
Socialismul este o stiinta Există o a doua Statuie a Libertăţii pe Terra, învingătoare! “Statuia libertăţii Europei de Est, adică ...
Seminare in Bucuresti
A avut loc seminare in Bucuresti, organizate de comitetului Naţional Român de Studiu al Ideologiei Juche.
Juche Idea
1. Characteristics of Juche Idea 2. Man Decides Everything 3. Man Is Master of Everything
Monumental Edifices in the DPR of Korea
Grand monuments in the DPR of Korea which demonstrate indomitable spirit and ingenuity of Juche Korea
Daily Life of Korean People
Korean people enjoy happy life in the newly built cultural resting places such as the Yangdok Hot Spring Resort, Masikryong ...